
django-pgconnection provides primitives for overriding Postgres connection and cursor objects, making it possible to do the following:

  1. Hook into SQL generation. For example, it is not possible to log every time a SQL statement is executed in Django or annotate SQL with comments so that additional metadata is logged when executing queries. The pgconnection.pre_execute_hook context manager allows one to hook into SQL before it is executed.

  2. Route database traffic to a different database. Although Django provides the ability to construct custom database routers, routing to a different database has to be instrumented throughout code and can be tedious and error prone. The pgconnection.route context manager can route any database operations to a different database, even if it’s an external management command that has not been instrumented to use a different database.

We’ll go over some examples of how to use the functions in django-pgconnection.

Configuring a hook that will log SQL statements

In order to use pgconnection functions, be sure to configure settings.DATABASES like the following:

import pgconnection

DATABASES = pgconnection.configure({
    'default': {
        'HOST': '...'

This is an example of a hook function that logs every SQL statement:

def logging_hook(sql, sql_vars, cursor):
    # Every hook is passed the raw SQL about to be executed,
    # the variables for the SQL string, and the cursor object

    # A hook can either return nothing or return a (sql, sql_vars)
    # tuple to modify the SQL that will be executed
    # Log the unformatted SQL

with pgconnection.pre_execute_hook(logging_hook):
    # Only log queries inside the context manager

# To use the hook for all queries, do

As shown in the docs of the hook, one has the ability to also return a tuple of the SQL and the SQL variables in order to dynamically modify the SQL before execution

Routing a database connection

Do the following to route any Django queries, regardless of their origin, to a destination database:

import pgconnection

# Create a destination database configuration in the same format
# as databases in settings.DATABASES
destination = {
    'NAME': 'database_name',
    'HOST': 'database_host'

with pgconnection.route(destination):
    # Any queries will go to the destination database